Monday, June 30, 2014

Oh yeah, heaven is a place on earth (in Mallorca)

When Belinda Carlisle wrote the song "Heaven is a Place on Earth," she was referring to Mallorca because it is the most beautiful place I have ever been to. JUST LOOK AT THIS PICTURE:

Anywho, we had a rocking time in Mallorca for the weekend. The beach and the city of Palma were absolutely incredible. I have so many stories to tell so prepare yourselves for a long post. 

We arrived on Friday at around 4, and we decided to eat dinner around normal American time instead of at 9PM. We went to a little restaurant on the beach shore where we had the most rocking seafood paella. The shrimp was so good that it tasted like lobster. It was heavenly. The food was served and I was like: 

And as she set down the giant tray of paella, I proclaimed, "I AM SO EXCITED FOR THIS MEAL." And in my flailing of excitement, I accidentally knocked over my fork, which set off a string of the worst table manners of all time because I pretty much stuffed my face and knocked over every piece of silverware and glass that was in front of me. It was such a "Leah moment." But I didn't care cause IT WAS SO GOOD.

We decided to rent bikes for the day on Saturday because it was cheap and easy to get around. But I'm kind of uncoordinated and I haven't ridden a bike in a few years. But hey, relearning is easy. It's kind of like riding a bike, am I right? (BU DUM TSSSSSS) Ok bad joke. But good news, I didn't fall! Bad news, I almost crashed many many times. We had to bike along these skinny paths and every time someone passed me, I started getting all wobbly. It's safe to say that this chimp/monkey/orangoutang/i-don't-know-my-how-to-differentiate-between-species rides a bike better than me:

But after spending time out in the sun all day, I got sunburnt. I usually don't burn, but I think the constant biking and sun exposure created an exception. It hurts so bad, but I swear I used sunscreen. Here is my sunburn:

I felt so strange. It was like my body was fried from the sun. I felt like running around screaming:

So here is my (lame) PSA for wearing sunscreen to avoid pain and skin cancer, but I have no authority so don't listen to me if you don't want to.


On Saturday night, we went to a cheap restaurant cause we had been spending so much money and got a 3 course meal for like 9 dollars. The meal was okay (as expected), but the experience was unforgettable. First of all, people in Spain love blondes. They kind of just stare at people with blonde hair and blue eyes. One of my friends friend on the trip falls under this description. At the restaurant, we sat next to a glass wall. About halfway through dinner, an old man that kind of looked like a Spanish Danny DeVito (same height, too) just came up from the outside and stood at the glass wall and just stared at my friend for minutes at a time. He was creeping Javert style:

And as he stared through the window,  he would blow kisses through the glass:

It was creepy. And it came up to us and asked us if we spoke Spanish and before he could finish his sentence we answered with something along the likes of this: 

Then we paid and ran away from the man when he wasn't looking. While it was creepy, it was also incredibly funny. We couldn't stop laughing for awhile. Now I can't help but think of the tiny creepy Spanish man when I watch this gif. 

It was a fantastic time with a amazing people on an incredible island. I really hope to go back some day. Everyone should go there if they ever have the chance.

Welp, I need to do my homework.

Adios for now, amigos!

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