Friday, July 4, 2014

Feliz día de independencia

Happy Fourth of July from Spain! I hope your day is as rocking as this guys!

As you can assume, Fourth of July is just another day in Spain. I had another day of classes. I haven't been blogging much this week because no one wants to hear my stories about the sequence of tenses in concessive and conditional subordinate clauses. 

Anyway, last week when waiting for the bus back to Salamanca, my friends and I made a list of things we missed about America. I didn't write it down, but I wanted to post ten of them here to commemorate the 238th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. 

What I miss about the USA after being in Spain for 2 and a half weeks:

1.) Typical American food. My first meal home will be a giant bowl of cereal and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich (preferably waiting for me at the gate in Cleveland, mom and dad).

2.) Eating meals at normals times of the day. I'm tired of having dinner between 9 and 10 PM.
3.) Living in a country that actually has a sense of urgency. It's awesome that Spaniards have a laid back mentality and enjoy their lives every day, but I'm pretty sure they don't believe in the concept of time at all. They are always late and never rush to be anywhere. It's weird and actually pretty annoying.
4.) Free water at restaurants. In Spain, you have to pay for water if you order it at a restaurant because they serve bottled water. You have three options: pay for water, become dehydrated because you're too cheap, or adopt the mentality that a sangria costs just as much as water so you might as well get that.
5.) I miss TV, which doesn't need to be explained any further cause I've already mentioned it in like every post.
6.) Real coffee. In Spain, they either drink espresso or espresso with milk. The coffee that you drink doesn't really exist here. Well I'm sure it does, but I just don't know where. And while I can drink espresso. It kind of makes me insane in the membrane. After I drink a shot of espresso, I look/act like this:
7.) Driving (particularly the Green Bean). I'm tired of walking everywhere. 
8.) Being able to actually open and unlock doors. I realize this might be an issue for me in the United States, but I have been having so much trouble with locks. I'm about to resort to the Patrick Star method of opening doors. 

9.) I also miss sticker families and general suburbia annoyances. Mostly because I have little to complain about without complaining about suburbia. But as always, I greatly appreciate any sticker family that you see on the street, so thank you for sending them to me.
10.) You reading this, whoever you are. I miss you. 

Spain is awesome. I love it. But I do miss my country.

Tonight, we will be celebrating the 4th of July in Spain like the stereotypically overly-patriotic Americans that we are. We will be hitting up the discoteca to celebrate the wonderful words of Thomas Jefferson.

So I hope you have a fabulous day with friends and family celebrating our independence!

Adios for now, amigos!

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