Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Hello, America. Farewell, Blog.

I had every intention of writing my final post within 24 hours of returning to the US, but sleep, seeing family, and going to a Jack White concert took precedence over that. This is the first time I have had time to sit down and relax since I've been back. So here is the (pretty anti-climactic) 3-days-late farewell post of my blog. (If I come off as overly emotional, it's because I'm listening to Damien Rice Pandora and I'm tired, so apologies in advance.)

Our final hours in Spain were spent reminiscing on all of our memories from the past six weeks as we realized how close we had all become in such a short amount of time. It was a relatively normal night. We just sat in the hotel, drank wine, watched my friend Jake eat cereal out of the cavity in his chest, and watched Trapped in the Closet. 

Ok. Maybe the cereal part isn't normal. But it was funny.

Saturday was our farewell to Spain, and we had 14-hour travel day. But good news! No delays and no deaths on the plane this time. Everything went smoothly. But I arrived to Ohio quite delirious. I didn't sleep on the plane from Madrid to Philadelphia cause it has free movies (a fw of which are Wes Anderson films), which means I got to watch the Royal Tenenbaums.

But by the time I had gotten to Cleveland, I had been awake for 21 hours. My family was trying to get me to answer questions and tell stories, but I was too tired to function. (This has actually been my state of consciousness since I've gotten back.) I kind of just stare at people like this:

Now that I'm home, this is all I want to do.

But I can't cause I have friends that I am dying to see and work that needs to be done. But I will continue to hope and dream that one day I will be Liz Lemon.

I am so grateful for this incredible trip, and it was way more than I could have ever expected. This trip is full of memories that I will hold very dear to my heart. And I have gained life-long friends along the way. This trip would not have been nearly as fun without such a fantastic group of people. I can't wait to get back to Duquesne and spend time with them outside of Spain. 
Our group on our last night in Granada.
That's it. That's the end of my 6-week Spanish journey. And with the end of the journey comes the end of the Spanish blog. I've actually had a blast writing this, and I'm sad to see it end. Maybe I'll write again on a different blog. Maybe I won't. It just depends if I have anything exciting enough to post. Thank you so much for reading this. II have had way more views than I could have ever imagined. (Once again, thanks mom.) You guys are all the best, and you make me feel like a true comedian (which reinforces my dream to be Liz Lemon as mentioned above). So here is my (somber?) goodbye. I hope you're not too sad. I know I am. 

Now I'm going to go to bed at 8:30 PM cause I can. Back to my American lifestyle that I love so dearly.

Adios for an indefinite period, amigos. It's been a pleasure.

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