Saturday, July 19, 2014

Miscellaneous Embarrassing Stories

So exams are over and I've returned to the Internet and the blog (which just passed 1200 views and I'm super shocked and pumped about it.) So now that we are done with classes, we are spending a week in Southern Spain before I returned to the United States on the 26th. So here is a post of a few miscellaneous things.

Last weekend, I went to San Sebastián as mentioned briefly in the last post. When we planned the trip, it wasn't supposed to be great weather, but it ended up being beautiful. My friends and I hiked up a large hill/small mountain (sorry I don't know how to precisely categorize geographical structures) that overlooked the city. Despite the difficulty of hiking up steep hills in a maxi skirt and flip flops (el oh el at my inability to appropriately pack), the view was actually breathtaking. Here's a picture:

But the best part of the trip came before we even got to San Sebastian. We had train tickets that had a 30-minute layover in Palencia. However, our train was late arriving to the station and we have 5 minutes to reprint our tickets and then get back to the loading dock (I don't know what you call it at train stations but I'm pretty sure this isn't right? You get my point). We were stressed and nervous that we would miss the train. However, as we were running to the tracks, a bird took a giant poop on my friend Lila's purse. It was the biggest bird poop ever. We were kind of like:

And another one of my friends, JoJo, who so smartly remembered to bring his towel unlike the rest of us, had to use said towel to clean up the poop that was sprayed all over Lila's purse. So RIP to JoJo's towel, you will be dearly missed.
(Truer words have never been spoken. JoJo's is in the trash...)
It was a fabulous weekend, and I absolutely loved the city!! 

So tomorrow night is my last night in Salamanca, and thus my last night with my host family. I've been so lucky to have great accommodating host parents, and I've had such a great experience in Salamanca. However, most of you know that I have the tendency to do really embarrassing things. So in the culmination of this fabulous 4 weeks, I will share 2 incredibly awkward stories that will leave you saying this: 

But I have no shame. So here goes nothing. 

A few weeks ago, I had a terrible cold. Class had just started, but my nose was really runny. I had forgotten my tissues back at my apartment, and I didn't want to be the gross person that obnoxiously sniffed all class long. So I decided to quietly duck out of the classroom and grab some paper towels to keep my nose from running. Except when I got up, I tripped over my chair and accidentally ran into the light switch. Then instead of turning them back on, I accidentally turned off the other half of the lights. So my attempt at slipping out unnoticed as to not disturb class turned into a very noticeable dark room.

Here's how the process kind of went in a more dramatic, acrobatic, and graceful fashion:

Anyway, even though it was embarrassing, it was funny. 

Now for a slightly more humiliating story. One of the very first nights I was here, I clogged the toilet. (Don't act all weird about it. Everyone does it). But I didn't know what to do cause there wasn't a plunger, and I don't know how to say "where is the plunger? I need it cause I clogged the toilet." in Spanish. I was panicking. I didn't know what to do.

So I just ran away and decided to blame it on the German boys staying in the apartment. 

But they had moved out and I didn't know that they had. My plan failed, and I'm not really sure what my host father did or who he blamed, and I never want to know. Now I know what you're thinking:

But some form of this story has happened to everyone. If you're acting like it hasn't happened to you, I'm pretty convinced that you're lying. So at the end of the day,

So there's two stories that are (as Elizabeth would call) "Leah-tastic."

And I have nothing else for today. Tomorrow, I'm going to a wine tasting, where I will act as pretentious as possible and then blog about my exquisite tasting of wines.

Adios for now, amigos!

(I'm really enjoying the parentheticals today and I'm not sure why.)

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