Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Weird Quirks and Stressful Times.

Hello friends!

Today's blog post is going to be brief because I'm in exam week and in the cramming lifestyle. But like any student, with great studying comes great procrastinating.

So that's why I'm writing this blog post.

After a fantastic weekend in the beautiful San Sebastián, we began this week with the tough realization that this is our last week in Salamanca. So along with the longing to make the most of it, we are unfortunately burdened with exams (after all, this is study abroad...) The problem is there is only one exam that determines our entire grade, and my grammar class is so unbelievably hard. Honestly Britney Spears couldn't have said it any better.

It's a beautiful and very hot week in Salamanca, so it's tough to stay positive when you would rather be at the pool than studying. Needless to say, it's been a rough start to the week. But with all the stress building up, there's nothing like partaking in my all-time favorite (not-so) guilty pleasure to make my worries go away.

Trapped in the Closet marathon, obviously. 

But even when that fails to fully cheer me up, I discovered the best news.

Right now, I'm sure you're asking yourself, "But Leah, what could be better than a Trapped in the Closet marathon?" Well, you're right. There aren't many things better than that.


For those of you who don't know, I grew up listening to Weird Al. I'm pretty sure my family owns every single CD. So this release, which only comes around every few years, makes this very stressful week into something a little better.

So rather than blogging more about my weird quirks and interests, I'm gonna return to studying. 

And you should go watch Trapped in the Closet and listen to Weird Al.

That is all. Happy listening.

Adios for now, amigos!

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