Thursday, June 19, 2014

A blog post about food.

So I have now spent two days eating food in Spain. And since food is important, I will blog about it a lot.

But the food has been weird here. They keep serving us a ton of food. Usually our meals consist of two different entrees and a dessert, and it's kind of semi-rude to not eat your food. 

For example, for lunch we ate a plate of paella, then we got eggs, potatoes, and sausage, and then ice cream. After eating all that food I just wanna sit there and never move.

But we can't just sit there cause have to go walk around more. So I was walking around Madrid with a stomach full of a day's worth of food.

As I was sitting at dinner eating my ribs and french fries (weird, right?) I began to wonder.

Are they serving us a lot of food here because Spanish people eat a lot of food...


Are they serving us a lot of food because we are American and that's how they think we eat?

I think I'm onto something.

Regardless of the answer to the question, I'm on track to come back from Spain weighing twenty more pounds. 

But at least it tastes good.

Now I'm going to a dance club, so expect an eventful post about that tomorrow.

Adios for now, amigos.

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