Friday, June 20, 2014

Shoutout to the Proclaimers

I've always kind of considered I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles) by The Proclaimers to be my theme song, not for its content, but just for its peppy tune and the way in which they sing. I feel like it encapsulates my personality, which isn't an easy feat.

For those of you who don't know, I have this theory that it's easier to wake up in the morning if your alarm clock plays a song that talks about waking up in the first line. I don't know if it actually works, but I do it anyway. Currently, my alarm clock is 500 Miles. So I guess you could say this song is slowly becoming an important part of my life by getting me up for class, work, and church. I listen to this song a lot, and I'm grateful that the Proclaimers created it.

But after walking around Madrid for two days and then Toledo today, I realized that the song has taken on a whole new meaning. 

In Spain, we walk EVERYWHERE. (I think this is why people in Spain aren't morbidly obese.) And I have this weird thing where I never want to look like a tourist (even though I am one), so I refuse to wear tennis shoes. Even though I am with a big group of people and taking excessive amounts of pictures, I am still adamant that I don't look touristy cause I'm not wearing tennis shoes. 

But basically I just look like this guy with sandals instead of tennis shoes:

Needless to say, my feet hurt. As we were scaling the hills of Toledo today, I began to think of how many miles I have walked since I have been here. 10? 15? 20? I really have no idea. But all I know is that I feel like my legs are gonna crumble beneath me every time I stand up and I am nowhere near 500 miles, let alone a thousand. I've never really considered how much 500 miles is, but it's a lot and I can't walk it. Not for love, not even for Netflix.

And while The Proclaimers may be using a hyperbolic expression to express their love for a significant other, I have this (probably false) notion that they would actually walk a thousand miles just to be the man who walks a thousand miles to fall down at the door of their loved one. I would definitely fall down at someone's door at most 30 miles into my thousand-mile journey. But if someone were to be crazy enough to embark on a thousand mile walk for love, I would pick a Spaniard. They could definitely walk for miles and miles and wind up at the door of their significant other.

So kudos to you, Proclaimers, for your dedication to love and physical fitness. I appreciate you more than now than ever.

Tomorrow, I am going to Salamanca to get settled with my host family before classes start on Monday. 

Adios for now, amigos.

Irrelevant note: If any of you were wondering (which none of you were), my next alarm clock song will be Turn my Swag On by Soulja Boy when I go back to school. I'm too excited for it to be embarrassed or ashamed.

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