Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Hypothetical Frequently Asked Questions*

For those of you who know me, I have this insatiable desire for Internet fame. It's never going to happen because I'm only sort of funny, but more people have been reading it than I expected. (thanks, mom) And as I review my first week here, I decided to answer some questions I made up that people would ask me if I was Internet famous. So here's me answering questions that I'm asking about my own experience.

What's your favorite part about Spain?

Spain is exhausting. I feel like I've been here for 3 weeks, but it's only been one. In terms of my favorite part, I could definitely comment on how beautiful, antique, and historical everything is and seem like I'm a good student. But that's a lie. While I am embracing the historical aspect of Spain, it's not my favorite part about the life here. I've come to the conclusion that siesta is the greatest thing to ever be created. Not only is it socially acceptable to nap all afternoon here, but it's ENCOURAGED. It's like I'm living a fairytale life.

People In America people are like:

But in Spain everyone says:

How is the food here?

I thought I was gonna lose weight here cause there are pretty much no obese people in Spain. But I feel like I've eaten more here than I do in the USA. I eat 2 three-course meals a day, and they're always so good. And the food here is so fresh. All of the fruits and vegetables and meat have so much more flavor than processed American food. They also have really good table manners here, and I (shockingly?) don't. Usually, this is how I feel that my host parents view me while I'm eating:

But I've gotten to the point where I don't spill food on me. Go me.
(I've been waiting forever to use this gif.)

What's your least favorite part about Spain?

Class sux.

What's the worst thing that has happened to you since you've been here?


What do you miss most about the USA?

Tina Belcher, cereal, family, friends.

How do you find such good gifs to use?

I Internet too much because Internet is the best. The Internet is the answer to everything in life. I honestly have some of these gifs picked out before I even start searching cause I know exactly what I want. (like right now)

Leah, have you bought my souvenir yet?

Nope. Stop asking! I'll get to it.

Well that's all, friends. I hope this blog is making your life like it's making Adam's life. 


Adios for now, amigos.

*Disclaimer: I made up all of these FAQs for myself. This is probably the most self-involved moment I've ever had. Hashtag Hannah Horvath.

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