Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Ohio, I'm leaving. Ohio, I'm gone (finally)

I'm finally in Spain, but the travel experience was everything but easy.

Yesterday was my first experience flying alone, which I was pretty pumped about until like 1:30 PM. Shortly after arriving to the airport, my flight to Philadelphia got delayed and I was going to have at the most 30 minutes to make my connecting flight. After a minor freakout (ok maybe not THAT minor), I decided I was gonna take my chances and sprint across the Philadelphia airport with my Hannah Horvath running style.

But after getting through security, my flight got delayed more and I had to rebook my flights. So I had to recheck in at a different airline carrier  (where I accidentally stood in the Air Canada line for 20 minutes), and then I went through security again. Spending 2 hours running around the airport is not my favorite form of exercise. I was already in need of a shower and I hadn't even left Ohio yet. 

And my only response after getting through security the second time was:

Once I actually got on my way to Europe, things went relatively smoothly until about an hour and a half out of Madrid when the flight attendants realized one of the passengers of the plane had passed away in his sleep. He was on his way to his son's wedding to Madrid. It was one of the saddest and most tragic experiences I have seen. After waiting for the paramedics and law enforcement to check the body after landing, we were allowed to leave the plane. Then I spent an hour alone in the Madrid airport looking for my professor who was waiting for me. While my trip was stressful, long, scary, and sad, I am glad to say that I have arrived safely in Spain!

My first day in Madrid consisted of exploring the city, including the Royal Palace and la catedral de Almudena. Everything in that area is really high security right now cause the coronation ceremony is tomorrow! Also, tonight is Spain's second World Cup match, and the city is crazy with anticipation. We are planning on going out to watch the game. There's a part of the city with a giant screen that will broadcast the game! YEAH SPORTZ. (I'm trying to be enthusiastic, but meh).

Also, I'm currently running on 1 hour of sleep in the last 30 hours, so jet lag is a real thing. I feel like I could collapse and fall asleep at any point. If this writing is terrible, I blame my state of exhaustion right now.

So in closing, I will post a short list of things that I miss about America already:

1.) Eating cereal every morning (and multiple times at night)
2.) Sticker families
3.) Being able to eat pizza for any meal and have it be socially acceptable. (I don't even like pizza that much. But just the possibility of having pizza for breakfast is so alluring to me.)
4.) Being able to watch Netflix for multiple hours at a time.
5.) Chipotle
6.) My friends and family.

Well. That's it for now until something else exciting happens.

Oh, I also told a lot of people that I would post a lot of pictures, but I can't figure out how to get them on my computer due to my lack of computer skills. Oh well, I'll figure it out eventually.

I don't really know how to end a blog post. Adios for now, amigos.

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