Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Vacation is over.

Hola, amigos!

So after a week of absolutely amazing sights and experiences, classes are beginning. It was more stressful than expected. The schedule was go have class 9-12 in the morning, and then to have class for 2-3 hours in the afternoon 3 times a week. But we got to the university, and they told us that class is from 9-1. Then our entire group of students looked at the teacher like:

So now some days I will have class for 7 hours a day. (it's like I'm in high school again...) I knew this trip was too good to be true. I'm in a grammar & conversation class with a bunch of native Spanish speakers or students who are learning their third language, and I just sit in class trying to speak but everyone else speaks so fast. I kind of look like this:

Needless to say, I have my work cut out for me, but I suppose I'm up for the challenge. The exciting news is that I finally figured out how to use my keys to the apartment and my host mom is making American food for dinner. HUZZAAHHHHH

But I do miss all of my friends and family, and I wish they were there to have this experience with me!

Adios for now, amigos! I'm off to do my tarea.

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